Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today, I decided to go to the hospital and have a quick check-up because my cough hasn't gotten any better in over a month.

Anyway, the physician assistant who did my check-up randomly asked me about what school I went to and my major.  So I told her what school I am attending and that I am majoring in nursing.  Right away, she praised how great my school is and how amazing the nursing program is at my school.  It isn't the first time I've heard that, but hearing that from someone in the medical field made hearing it even sweeter, like I made the right choice of going to that school.  hehe.  Furthermore, she kept talking and saying that it's great I'm choosing to be a registered nurse.  And this is how she said it:

"I am proud of you that you are choosing to be a registered nurse because it's in high demand right now.  And it's great because you will always have a job, you get good salary, and most importantly, you're helping people.  Sure, it's a grueling process and a grueling job, but in the end, it's worth it because you're helping people."

When she said that, I thought to myself, "Yeah...that's what I want to do...help people."  :)

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