Monday, April 11, 2011

Awkward Moments

Just a little while ago, I went scrapbook shopping.  One of the things I bought was super glue.
So there I was at the cashier counter.  I placed all my stuff down and the cashier girl started scanning my items.  After scanning the super glue, she stared at me, so I stared back at her.  We stared awkwardly at each other for a little bit when she finally said in a soft spoken and monotone voice, "I'm sorry, may I see your ID?  I need to make sure that you are over 18 to purchase this."
Seriously?  I need to be over 18 to purchase super glue??  On top of that, what do I look like...15?!  I'm turning 20 soon for goodness sakes!!


xo, J

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