Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Random Rambling

It's funny being friends with someone who has the same name as you. Today, as we were walking out of class, someone who knew the both of us saw us and greeted, "Hey Jmie!...Oh! Hey other Jmie!" haha. I'm "other Jmie."

Anywho, getting the Anatomy & Physiology class that I needed made me a happy bee, even though I had to sacrifice to drop another class, and it boosted up my confidence just a little into getting closer to that Nursing Program because to be honest, I am feeling a bit discouraged. I keep hearing stories of people not getting into the program, even though their grades are phenomenol. It scares me and I'm super worried, not because my grades are bad, it's just that I don't feel like it's good enough. Eh? :S
I'm so worried that I'm thinking about other options, some of which are the worst things to think about like completely changing my major. Seriously, I feel like my future is such a blur right now. But I know I shouldn't be thinking like that. I must think positive. haha. Right? Which is why I'm going to need you to help keep me sane for as long as I'm still in school, alright? haha! :P

Well, sorry that this blog was so random, but I just wanted to get that out of my chest. It's one of those things that has been bothering me for quite sometime and there's still other things I have to do before I can apply. So on top of stress for my classes, I have stress for my requirements to apply for the Nursing Program. Gahhh!

Working for your future takes a lot of effort, both mentally and physically, which may build up a lot of stress. But in the end, it'll all be worth it, especially if you really work for it. I can't wait to get there. :)

Live up to your dreams.

xo, J

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Don't even think that!
    You at least know what you want to do with your life, and that's the hardest part. So you'll do just wonderful!
    I don't even like what i'm going so i'm keeping my optiones oppened.
    You are going to get into that program!
