Saturday, June 1, 2013


As of yesterday, I announced that I was taking a break from Twitter and Facebook.  This may be days, weeks, or months.  I don't really know myself.  I'm taking this break to hopefully better myself and to figure things out, clear my mind, and find out what and who really matters to me.  I say "hopefully" because I don't even know if this will work.  ha!  The past few months have been a roller coaster ride, both in reality and within myself.  Not too many people know about what has been going on with me because I have this tendency to close all my doors when things just aren't going the way I want.  I end up losing myself and hiding away from other people, even to those who I really care about.  Bad habit.  To sum it all up, I'm not okay and I want to fix that.

I was inspired to take a break from this site called  If you have the chance, you should try it out.  I've been going on there multiple times, even if it's the same thing over and over again.  It calms me for some reason.  It takes me away from my thoughts just for those few minutes, and it feels good.  My favorite part, "...meaning less...little...shit."  haha

So I'm hoping that this break will help me to get myself together and open my doors again.  It'll force me to write more in my journal and on this blog.  Because one thing is for sure, I'm better at letting  my feelings out in writing.  :]

With that said, I am going to be as honest as I possibly can be and I hope you, as a reader/friend, will be too.  Just to let you know, I may say things that will scare you, surprise you, offend you, or whatever.  If I say anything that disgusts you, then I apologize in advance.  I'M SORRY.  I hope you'll still be my friend.  :)
If you have read this far...THANK YOU.  I guess, basically, this is me asking for help and support.  Thanks.  haha

Well, it's good to be back.

xo, J


  1. Well, if I have to be completely honest then I must admit that I'm going through the same thing, just that since may and until the beginning of August i have so much work that needs to be done, and in a way that is good and bad at the same time, because it makes me postpone the finding answers part, which in the end will make me even more confused. Writing can be very therapeutic.
    I have been meaning to share a video with you:
